One of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of my new job, (IT coach) is that because I am labeled the tech-guy, digital guru, all things- techno-digi- guy, I have become the lightning rod for all things related to technology. I sometimes feel like the spokesperson and sole defender of all things digital. I cannot count how many conversations I have everyday about tech, or the number of emails I get referencing the ideas presented in an article like this one. It’s worth a read. Go head. Take a few minutes. Read it.
We get it right? Life was different when this guy was younger. Big shock! I cannot think of any teacher working in the tech field that does not agree that kids need fresh air, that talking to each other is valuable, or as he put’s it, “The human connection in real time and space, is valuable.” I am just tired of the same old,” this or that,” argument. I have written on this topic before here and here. I am sure I will write about it again, but in the meantime I guess we continue responding to staff members who wish we could all be living in a logging village in BC in a calm and patient manner.
cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Striking Photography by Bo
I don’t want to devalue the other side. I agree that it should be part of the edu-tech discussion, I want to move away from the idea of their being sides. It is a balancing act. Yes, kids are distracted. Yes, they are connected. Yes, they need guidance.Yes, we don’t know the answers. Yes, it is terrifying. Yes, it is exciting. Yes, nature is mind blowing. Yes, technology connects us in ways face-to-face never could. It is all happening. I don’t get why we have to say one is better than the other. Why we have to either be “tech savvy” or a Luddite.
I would rather worry about what it means to be human in the year 2012. That is who I am. This is where I am. Technology is part of my reality. I want to see what I can do with it and be aware of what it does to me. 1970’s British Columbia sounds great, but that ain’t me.
How do you handle being the spokesperson for all things tech? How do speak to people without getting defensive? How do not lose your mind explaining to people that you understand and appreciate life as much as they do, even though you know how to exist on and off line?