I want to keep this post as short and simple as I can. I have something that has been bugging me lately, and I want to get it off my chest. I want to denounce the notion that Social Networks are a Petri dish of perversion, danger, and now as paths to suicide. Yes it is true that there are perverted and dangerous elements on the web, but this is because there are elements of danger and perversion within the human psyche. We are what is damaged not the tool that merely reflects our most base illnesses. We cannot continue to blame the tool that does nothing more than broadcasts who we are.
Yes there are people who use social networks to belittle and injure the insecure and most damaged among us, but some of us use these tools for so many other amazing things. Let me make a quick raw list of what else these networks can look like:
- I am currently involved in working with a teacher in Japan, to share my experiences of online branding and digital footprints. Her students have been researching my brand, Intrepid, to see who I am by what I share. They have emailed me their findings and the results are remarkable. I will Skype into their class next week and discuss their findings further. I will write a post about the whole experience when it is done.
- I am working with Alec Courosa, a professor I deeply admire and who I met for the first time in Shanghai a few weeks ago, by acting as a mentor for his graduate class of pre-service teachers. By sharing my knowledge I am also learning from the experience.
- Last week I had a Skype interview with Dean Shareski, another influential educator in the field. He wanted my thoughts for his K-12 Conference keynote after he read about my daughter’s story that was nominated for an Edublog award.
- I have meaningful conversations anytime of the day with hundreds of people worldwide through Twitter. They are constantly sharing their ideas about art, religion, politics, education and more.
- I have made great friends who I have never met. I know I have over fifty places I can stay anywhere in the world based on these relationships. I have contacts at over 30 international schools, which I look to for advice, contacts and more.
- I stay in touch with old friends through pictures, blogs, and Facebook. There is no such thing as goodbye anymore in the digital age.
- I have an audience of people who respect and listen to what I say. They put up with my rants and dare I say admire my voice
There are many other stories I could share, but I promised to keep this brief. In short, I am connected to a fluid diverse cyberworld of knowledge. Never before have we had the ability to be in so many places at once. Never before have we been allowed to share and communicate so easily. Never before have we had so much contact with so many people in so many places. We are truly moving toward a global community based on shared interests and a need to learn and grow.
Yes, there are those amongst us using these tools to spread insecurity and attack people’s need for acceptance, but that is an issue with humanity not the Internet. If we want people to stop killing themselves because they have been humiliated, then we need to look more closely at why being gay should be humiliating and celebrated. We need to teach people about civility and camaraderie and citizenship. The Internet is everything we are and nothing more. Each one of us is mere pixel in a much large picture. Instead of dismissing the entire image, we need to, each one of us, manage who we are and how we spread that voice. We need our voice to help and heal and connect. we need to find the voices that are acting differently and work to quiet them. This is nothing new. We have been dealing with the voices of shame, anger for far too long. I will leave you with this:
Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me… it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, …lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.””This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too”, he added. The Grandchildren thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”The old Cherokee simply replied… “The one you feed.”
This is the same fight we see on the Internet. Which wolf will you feed?