Tag Archives: branding

Are You A Brand?

Last week my colleague Jane, also known as JaneinJava, sent out a tweet asking for inspirtion for her “brand” video. I knew that her request was based on some work she was doing as an advisory planner for the upcoming ADE institute. Her tweet led to a lively discussion, headed as always by Adrienne, who voiced concern about the word “brand.” I quickly found myself on both sides of the debate.  I understand the idea of “personal branding” and digital identity control;  I get and to a large extent agree with the need to teach professionals how to “market” their online images and create recognizable “brand” which stands for certain values, so much so that  I think I have done a pretty good job of “marketing” the “brand” of Intrepid through various blogs, youtube, and Flickr. I hope that through my work, my shared open identity, my photos, my videos, that the “brand” of Intrepid stands for honesty, openness, passion, and creativity. This image I have created, sounds so sneaky, has not been achieved by accident. I have worked hard to try and create a consistent “product” (my life) to “sell” to whoever is buying.

The problem Adrienne had, and after some thought I have too, is the use of business/corporate language to describe an act which in reality is entirely different. I realized that I am not creating a “brand” to “sell” to a “market.” I am sharing who I am, my identity with an audience. While the ideas may be similar and some may cry semantics, I think Adrienne is right. We must be weary about corporatizing education, art, and most importantly our digital identities.

Before you start thinking about the comments you will write about the problems with Apple in education and the ADE program in general, let me stop you. I am waiting to go through the ADE process to see how the program works. I want to get an inside look at the benefits of the community and to see the extent of which Apple influence their ADE  “brands.” I want to see what they expect of their ADEs before I make judgment about the program. Many people I highly respect rave about it, and I will see for myself before I deride the program out of hand. So please do not turn this thread into an attack on the ADE program, the problems with corporate sponsored educational programs etcetera. I think those arguments are valid, and I would like to have them after I see what ADE is all about. I am honored and very excited to be involved, but I want to be a critical member who pushes the envelope. Sorry Apple, this is what you signed up for. It is what Intrepid is all about.

What I was hoping for from this post is a nice conversation about what you think about corporate language creeping not just into education, but in every aspect of our lives. Should we be worried?  Are Adrienne and I overreacting? Is it just semantics? Or is there a problem with using the language of brands when discussing education, digital identity,  sharing, and life in general.

And if you understand the concept, as I do, but only think that we should be using a different set of words, what do these words look like? What do we call the act of managing digital identity for the purpose of connection, community and sharing?

I need your help because it looks like I too will need to make a “personal brand” video during the ADE institute and I want to make sure I get it right. I am not a product, service, or business to be marketed. I am a human being trying to connect to a community of like minded human beings. What do you think?