Tag Archives: Blogging

Blogging Club

People are afraid of change, and experience has taught me that teachers in particular are no different. While we claim to be resolute in teaching our students how to discover the skills in becoming life long learners, realistically many of us seem to hit the occasional wall when it comes to our own learning. If we are learning we seldom hold ourselves to the same regimented reflection of our learning that we expect from our students. The pressures of the job: plodding through curriculum, grading papers, daily classroom administration, parents, students, and administrative pressures all weigh us down, slowly extinguish the very flames of inquiry we desperately try to stoke in our students.

Nowhere is this aversion to learning new skills more evident than in the field of technology and the classroom. Perhaps it is emergence of what seems to be daily innovations on the web, or the demands surrounding its use, or perhaps it is just the fear of not being the expert in our respective fields, but I have noticed a powerful mistrust and aversion by the majority of teachers to learning about technology.

Before I continue let me make clear that it is not my intention to offend or put down the teachers who are not technologically savvy. It has recently been brought to my attention that sometimes my tone can be harsh, one-sided, and non-inviting. Sometimes, it appears, my passion can alienate rather than bring people together. I need to be more sensitive to the feelings of my peers and colleagues, and while this sensitivity may not be obvious by the introduction of this post, I hope to end in a place of collegiality and a focused vision for growth. How can we help teachers use technology to help themselves learn, so they can better understand what the crazy tech-geek is constantly bleating about?

Unfortunately technology seems to often be the line drawn in the sand between the tech-oriented teachers and the “technologically challenged” as they sometimes times quaintly call themselves.  Experience has taught me that forcing people to switch sides in this technological divide can be extremely divisive and bad for a school’s morale.

Upon reflection and reading Working With The Willing, I am realizing that until teachers use the tools for themselves, they will never effectively integrate them into their daily life in the classroom. So what to do? I have decided to start a Blogging Club with my peers to help them better understand the power of Web 2.0. I hope to start small and build our own network and then introduce them to the ever-expanding world of educators that I have had the pleasure of meeting online.

Here is the email I send out inviting teachers to join:

I have a tendency to be quite long winded. I started to type this email a few hours ago, and I metamorphosed into a two-page blog post. I have decided to consolidate my points in a more easily digestible email. Here goes:

After reading about some of my technological musing, several teachers in the Middle School have asked for more information or advice on what or how they can use technology to help them. I chose to end the previous sentence with a period intentionally, because I think often time we are worried about how to use new tools in our classrooms, but we overlook how the internet and computers can help us better organize, utilize, and synthesis information for ourselves as learners.

For me personally, I love to write. I love to read. I feel it is this process of textual communication that connects us as human beings and allows us to evolve. But I may be biased as a Language Arts teacher…I am drifting again. Here is my proposal:

I would like to create a low-pressure club for Middle School teachers to write about their interests, reflect on their teaching, and share their work with their peers. The point is not to inundate you with tools to use in your classrooms, but rather to establish a place for us to learn from each other; simply put this will be a place for us to read, write, and comment on each other’s work.

I hope to show members how to create a blog as a foundation for their own learning. Time and interests allowing, we will explore other useful tools like Delicious, RSS readers, Twitter, Nings etc…

Once we have established comfort within our own newly created network, I hope to look to see how we can connect with other educators worldwide. The ultimate goal is that once we are using these tools for our own learning, we will see how vital they are for our students as well.

I would like to meet once every few weeks, so we can establish the basics. But once established we will not need to meet too often. Our collaboration will occur mostly online in our comment boxes. Please reply to this email if you are interested in setting up a personal/professional blog and learning more about how technology can help you with your learning.

I hope that this will not turn into another school meeting that becomes a chore. I would like for us to have fun, so we can meet at any time you feel would engender this environment.

I will throw out an opening date and we can work on a regular schedule at the first meeting.

How does 2:00 pm on Tuesday, March 4th sound? Room 3208. We can tweak the time to work with other commitments, but I would love to meet at some point on that PACT day. I am also offering a parent workshop at 6:30 on the 27th if you are interested in a more formal presentation on Web 2.0 and 21t century literacy.

Final note. (I promise) I have sent this email to a few High School and Elementary school teachers who have shown interest, but feel free to pass it on to anyone you feel would be interested.


Do you have any advice for me or for these new pioneer teachers?

Spread The Echo

This has been and in all truth is still a crazy week. I helped organize a guest speaker at our school to help raise funds and awareness for our Global Issues Club; I have been finishing up two major projects- one on Rome and another connecting growing plants and literacy, I am still trying to find time for the write-ups for both; I am waiting for permissions slips from parents to allow me to share the eight-minute video we made about the former. I am also helping my video journalism class finish up their latest news reports. Not an easy task when dealing with 22 seventh and eighth graders who are do not have enough resources to do their work.

All-in-all life at school has been, is, (I can’t pick a tense, I am so busy) as it should be- very busy and very rewarding. I am extremely happy with and proud of the work my students are doing. And if I do say so myself, I feel I am creating a very student based atmosphere, which allows them to find their own interests and learn. This will be proven in the Rome write-up coming soon.

Then there is the Labor Art project, which is off to a pretty good start. I am in touch with Mr. Mayo and Clarence Fischer about possible collaborations. We want to see if we can get a good look at how kids from different regions understand the role labor plays in their daily lives. In addition to these things, the semester is ending, which means assessments and grades. And I am going on a Week-Without-Walls trip to the Malaysian rainforest with 119 eighth graders.

Wheew! Deep breath….

In Web 2.0 world, I am getting ready to start my kids on blogs, finally, when we get back from the trip. I am reading Twitter and blog posts like crazy, but not finding the time to comment like I want to. Here at IntrepidTeacher, I am at a loss as to who my audience is. I know that the educators with whom I am in contact with and whose work I am reading daily are hearing and reading the same things as me. This is known in the Edublogospehere as the echo chamber. Both terms I am becoming very familiar with, but one of the main reasons for this blog was to spread the echo into my immediate environment and for the staff at my school to also read these amazing ideas. So if you are working with me here at ASD and are a regular reader of this blog, I ask that you read some of the amazing articles listed below, and drop me a line in the comment box that says you have been here. Remember the point of blogging is conversations, communication, and connection.

Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

Peering Inside a Cyber Savvy World about Growing Up Online which is generating a lot of talk, and Work With the Willing.

And some great student voices: Tuna’s Aquarium, Student 2.o, and NYC Student Blog.

I wish I had time to comment on all of these amazing educators and learners, but there really aren’t enough hours in the day. Time to get back to work and start writing those summaries and write-ups for my projects.

Potent Feature of Blogging

It is Thursday night here in Doha, the equivalent of a Friday night, and I am ready to decompress. I am having a few friends over to watch some mindless movies and simply relax. Before they arrive however, I thought I’d write a quick post about a very simple yet potent feature of blogging- Building relationships.

We are getting a new middle school principle next year, and while I met him briefly during his interview process at our school, I cannot say that I know him. And there is no way that he knows much about me more than a brief first impression. In order to start building our professional relationship, I sent him the link to this blog and asked him to stay tuned. I hope he has time to monitor the blogs growth and keep up with the things that I am doing. In doing so, I anticipate that when he arrive next year, rather than spend six months getting to know each other, we can hit the ground running.

By then he should have a firm understating of my teaching style, the types of activities I do in my classroom, my ideas on technology, and even a glimpse into my personality and who I am. Just think of what the teachers here would learn about you if you had your own blog? So when we sit and have our first conversation about technology in the middle school, or how to develop standard based assessments, he will already have a good understating of how I feel and what I think. Hopefully, his busy scheduling allowing, he will have already commented on my blog and the conversations will have begun before he even arrives.

Good news! This is already the case. He commented here yesterday, and I have added him to my Skype contacts. Here’s to you getting to know you Steve. I hope to see on Intrepid Teacher as often as time allows, and I am excited to start our conversations about the future of our school now.

Intrepid Teacher Will Be:

It’s always a strange feeling to start a new blog. There is the sentiment that one need lay out a course of action, write their exposition, or explain oneself fully before getting started, and while I feel that pressure to do this, I am finally ready to simply jump right in start this blog. My friend and former co-worker Kim Cofino has been hounding me to start one since we parted ways last year, and I realize now that it is time. I have waited long enough. I will let the subsequent posts build my networks. This blog has been a long time coming. Having said all that, I cannot in good conscience start this blog like this. Let me briefly outline some goals I have for this space.

I hope Intrepid Teacher will be:

  • A place for personal reflection about teaching, Language Arts, and technology
  • A place to share websites, ideas, and Web 2.0 tools with ASD teachers
  • A place to network with other Next Gen teachers

I value personal reflection in nearly all aspects of my life. I cannot read a book, watch a movie, or participate in a discussion and not feel obligated to reflect on what I have absorbed in one way or another. I am compelled to record and document my observations. So it only seems fitting that I should have a place to share my thoughts on the most important aspect of my life- my career.

As teachers, we all understand the importance of experimenting with new ideas, reflecting on successful and failed assignments, and simply taking the time to observe our feelings about our work. I hope this blog can be a place that helps me study, document and share the aspects of my job that I feel are important, because teaching is more than a job to me; it is the tool I have chosen to do my part in changing the world. I feel that life is a dynamic and exciting experience. I don’t want my work to be the least exciting part of what I do. It is not. My days are spent in constant degrees of euphoria and anguish. I feel it valuable to better articulate these highs and lows, both on personal and professional levels.

In addition, I hope my passion for blogging and technology will inspire and encourage my peers to join the discourse I am establishing, not only to help better serve our students, but so we can help each other become better educators. And so, in addition to simply sharing my thoughts, feelings, and ideas about my classroom, I hope this can blog will become a place where we as a school community can share websites, ideas, and Web 2.0 tools to help all of us better integrate technology into our curriculum.

At the moment, I feel quite disconnected with the people I work with and I am not sure how, where, or even if technology is being used on our campus. I hope this blog will help me identify where it is or isn’t being used. I further hope that by leading by example and modeling these new tools, other teachers will begin to feel confident in using them as well. I would like Intrepid Teacher to be a place where teachers can engage in conversations about how to best use technology. I invite all teachers who are currently using these tools to please connect with me, so we can start building learning networks here at ASD.

As I mentioned earlier, at my last school I worked closely with Kim Cofino and other teachers like Clarence Fisher. By working with these groundbreaking educators, I was constantly in the loop on what was going on in the Next Gen world. Today, I feel that I am losing touch with the latest ideas, techniques for integration, and tools. I hope this blog will re-connect me with the exciting work that other educators are doing all over the globe. You will find a short list of blogs I am currently subscribed to in the sidebar. Please start to read and interact with them as well. I hope to start communicating better with these educators and promoting by blog, If you know of others, I am open to reading them as well. I hope that some of us will become members of a global teaching network soon. A network that will helps its member’s better use technology and become better educators.

In closing, I hope this blog will be a place where I can share who I am, what I think, and what I do professionally with as many people as possible. As a language arts teacher, I teach my students that reading, writing, communicating, and inquiry are valuable skills. I teach them that we are life long learners and that seeking knowledge is a valuable enterprise. So now I want to do what I teach…

I hope that you will read, comment on, and share the upcoming posts. I hope that you will become excited and inspired, and start your own blog. I hope that we can use the tools available to us to integrate technology into out daily teaching practices, so as to better learn how to integrate them into our classrooms. If you have any questions about subscribing to this blog or setting up RSS reader accounts (so you can get the latest post sent to you) Stay tuned! I will post some videos and directions soon, or you can send me an email or stop by room 3208 to chat. Please leave comments below.

The lessons and the sharing start soon. Get ready!