Tag Archives: awards

A Few Seconds Every Night

Identity, ego, love, self-loathing, acceptance, validation, who would have thought just be yourself could be so damn complicated. Yet,  everyday we guide our students, our children, our friends to just be themselves and everything will be alright. Find your voice, express yourself, and all that other bullshit, when it reality, at least for me, everyday is much scarier than that.

I am a thirty six year old father of two beautiful girls, married to an amazing women who loves me more than I could ever imagine any one person could, I have a group of friends I have had since I was thirteen year olds, I have been living overseas- a dream of mine since childhood for over ten years doing work that I love, I have enough money to live a comfortable life, I go to bed every night awash in blessings I can never truly appreciate, I have hobbies that satiate my soul, my every experience is tainted with passion, and I ain’t bad lookin.’ I tell you all of this because despite this apparently successful life,  I am often scared and feel utterly alone. I lose myself in unsubstantiated anxiety and need to be reminded that I matter. I want my voice to be validated and be told that I am unique and special and important. Sometimes the feeling is so strong that I feel I could disappear completely if I don’t speak up. I am sure there is a medical term for this condition. I am sure there is a series of lectures at a great many yoga hall and Zendo to help me get through my attachment to my ego, but like most things in my life I am working through it on my own.

Do I reek of insecurity? Am I a shallow egomaniac? Perhaps, but I am willing to bet no matter how you play your mask in the grand stage of life you feel the same way. John Spencer once wrote, and I am paraphrasing here that: he is a good teacher because he is broken not despite it, and I couldn’t agree more. I am tired of acting like needing to be accepted and loved is a weakness.

My journey, like all human trips has had its ups and downs. I will not go into the details here, wait for the book, but one thing that has persistently stayed with me, my entire life has been me. Yup the ole ego, the desperate clinging to me, myself, and I. Various Zen texts and Yoga T-shirts have advised me to let go of the self to truly connect to the greater universe, but no matter how I try here I am again. A fragile little boy wondering whose body I am walking in now.

There was a time when I drown out his voice in alcohol and self-destruction. But after ten years+ of trying to silence the scrawny eight year old from my photo albums, I am proud to say he appears to have made it. These days I find it easier to listen to him when he speaks, or allow him to sing when he needs to, I encourage him to take over, you may have met him as he often Tweets. I ask his advice and let him father my children and teach my students. He doesn’t have all the answers and is often confounded by the simplest emotions, but he tries hard and seems to live life with an enthusiasm I sometimes find embarrassing. He is gaining confidence and is finding his voice, but he still likes to be told he is special. He likes it when people read his words and agree or disagree, he doesn’t care as long as he is heard. He likes it when people listen to his music or admire his photos. He likes it when people enter his head and look out through his eyes, because when they….. you, are in here it doesn’t feel so alone. And really do we need art for anything more than passageways into each others souls?

Don’t get me wrong!  I will do this, everything I do, because I have no choice. The voice inside my head simply needs escape; it has for as long as I can remember, but I am not embarrassed to admit that I like to be recognized, I need to be heard, I want to be loved. I want to blow up my ego to the point of not needing it anymore, but in the meantime an award saying that people value the randomness of my spirit and that it is relevant to them, or that my words have meaning in some small way in this vast lonely universe will be just fine.

I have so many more stories to share about this topic, but I will save them for the book. There has been much talk about awards, and pandering, and ego and validation, and….and….and….At the end of the day, all this award will prove is that I have the loudest echo in the chamber, or wait:

Will it somehow prove that a lone voice, different than all the rest, a voice of honest raw practicality, the voice of a true artist, a sage, a shaman if you will, has entered the conversation…..That must be my out of control ego again. Quick, let him hit publish and see how many retweets he gets, how many comments, how many votes he garners from this ploy. Wait he? Is that the little boy, my ego, is he me? Told you this is complicated

Talk amongst yourselves, we’ll be out on the stoop admiring the tree in front of the house. It brings us peace and quiets the noise in our head a few seconds every night.

This post is dedicated to the memory of Elliot Smith.

Edublog Award Nominations

Awards? Symbols of excellence, good work and recognition, or worthless tributes to ego boost and idolatry. Not sure if I am using that word correctly or not, but I don’t care. Not sure how you feel about the suckers, but I know I fluctuate between the two views.  Sometimes they validate my thoughts on work  well done, while at other times I see them as shallow popularity contests. I am still extremely upset that Forrest Gump won best picture over Pulp Fiction. I mean come on! Really?

The world of Edtech is no different. We stroke each other’s egos in this quaint and sometimes claustrophobic echo chamber we have deiced to call a PLN this year. Don’t get me wrong! I love the place, but do we really need awards for what we all already know. I mean isn’t a Retweet and a Hyperlink validation enough for our fragile egos? I don’t know about you, but it’s not enough for me!

I write, I tweet, I do all the things I do because I want my voice heard and shared with as big of an audience as possible, and if handing out little statues made of HTML code will do that for my work or the work of those I admire than so be it. Call me vain, call me egotistical, but I didn’t get into this game to scribble bad poetry in my journals. I am done with that. I want to share and create and connect, and to do so I need you. It is only a shame I cannot nominate myself for every category. (Not so subtle ploy to get you to do it for me) But in the mean time, my nominees for this year’s Edublog awards. The irony of course being I have nominated people who could careless about awards. They are dedicated passionate educators doing their thing. Getting an award may actually upset them. My nominations:

Best individual blogJohn T. Spencer I have been gushing about John lately, perhaps a bit too much for his comfort, since he prides himself on his humility, but I can’t help it. His blog is the one blog I look forward to reading the most every time I open my Reader. We are operating on a very similar wavelength, but he continues to challenge my thinking and forces me not to become lackadaisical with my pedagogy and world view. Short, deep, powerfully reflective writing. What blogging should be all about!

Best individual tweetermelaniemcbride When she is not busy bad mouthing the corporate agenda of Ed reform, or sharing the groundbreaking work of non-ed-tech types, she is opening my mind and keeping me in check. Her suggested Twitter follows have been spot on nearly every time, and her intense critical view of eduction and technology is a breath of fresh air in the chamber. Truly an outside of the box thinker, you need her in your network.

Most influential blog post– Not sure what is meant by most  influential. Most hits? Most comments? Most ReTweets?All I know that is that there were two posts this year that really struck a chord with me. Strangely they were both on the topic of teacher burnout and endurance. A Heart So Empty by Paul Bogush and They’re Breaking Teachers by Zac Chase. They said only one nomination per category, but I will let Edublogs sort that out.

Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion
– Comments4Kids by Will Chamberlin What needs to be said? Kids new to blogging need support, they need comments, and they need an audience. Will has done, what I feel is the best job connecting classrooms. It is why we are all here and Comments4Kids is doing a fantastic job!

Best use of a PLN: If leading by example and modeling the power of the network is reason enough to hand out an award, than I can think of no better candidate than Alec  Couros‘  eci831 class. The course has brought together hundreds of learners and mentors and blurred the lines of who is teaching and who is learning. Alec has used his Network as a sort of social network wateringhole, where people converge, share and learn.

Lifetime achievement- Gary Stager, because let’s face it while he may claim not to want an award like this, he is dying to have it, and no one else has been so intensely kicking ass and taking names for so long as Gary. A thorn in everyone’s side, a true provocateur and rabble-rouser, Gary has been passionately and intellectually arguing for children’s rights for over twenty years. Gadgets and fads may come and go, but Gary Stager will always champion the power of the teacher learner relationship and for that he should be awarded.

So there you have it! Even if these people are not officially nominated or win, I hope they understand what an impact they have had on this writer, blogger, teacher. Thanks guys!

Most Influential Blog Post

You will notice that there is a now a Most Influential Blog Post First Runner Up badge lodged in the sidebar here at Intrepid Teacher. Although the post in question was never actually posted here, This, This, That was written my daughter Kaia and me.

Both Kaia and I would like to thank you for your vote. We were up against some big names in the Edtech world, and it is an honor just to have been nominated, but to come in second was pretty amazing.

Read the post here and more about it here.

You can see the results of the voting below:
