I have about five posts brewing in my head, but a Twitter friend has “tagged” me with the latest get to you know assignment, and while I am usually a bit of a scrooge when it comes to these, I thought I would punch-out a quick, first thought best thought, very raw, stream of consciousness thing to maybe get me warmed up for my real writing.
Here are the rules of the seven things I didn’t know about you:
- Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
- Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some weird.
- Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.
1. I was born in Iran in 1974 and my family immigrated to California in 1979. October to be exact, the same year Muslim students overtook the US embassy in November. I remember going to the Embassy to get our visas. I remember marches and protests. I remember gunfire. I remember running into taxis. I remember blood in the streets. I remember a revolution. I was five years old when the year my country of birth fell apart at the seams.
2. I am an only child a Gemini/Cancer cusp baby. This causes me to be extremely shy while wanting to be the center of attention. I have been playing air0guitar since I was six and have wanted to be a rock star ever since. I cannot sing and after 15 years can barely put three chords together. I record cover songs for myself, and occasionally embarrass myself on youtube. I love to sing and play guitar, I don’t care that I don’t have the skill or the talent to please other people.
3. I have had three near death experiences. I was passed out when two of my friends had a near fatal car accident when we were nineteen. I was the only person to be unhurt when the same group flipped a car in the Mexican desert years later. I walked/ran for hours to get help. We were air-evacuated the next day, both friend’s sustained severe injuries. I survived the Tsunami in Thailand by a few minutes. I feel I am invincible and that I am here for a reason. I do not believe in god, but feel there is an order to the universe.
4. I believe that human beings are inherently good and I do not believe in original sin or redemption. We are simply weighed down by ignorance and illusion. Once we become more aware and share love, human beings will evolve to the next level.
5. I have had a job since I was fourteen: Baskin Robbins, movie theater guy, mall carousel operator, JC Penny’s shoe salesman, bank teller, bank associate, motorcycle parts salesmen, car valet, pizza delivery guy, dishwasher, busboy, bar back, waiter, teacher.
6. I have been hang gliding, scuba diving, bungee jumping, spelunking, and many other adventures I haven’t the energy to write about at this time.
7. I hate being tagged for these things, because I feel I expose enough of myself online, and if anyone really wants to know me, they would follow the links to my music, books, and writings to see who I am.
I will not tag seven people, because I don’t like to make people feel obligated to do these things, but I recommend you leave a comment with facts about yourself or a link to your seven things or whatever on this post. Drop me a line, let’s connect in more organic and less superficial ways.
No offense Dai Barnes!
Thanks Jabiz. No offense taken. These things are a little superficial. But there we are.
An Iranian man I met once in Didsbury Manchester UK said he missed Iran because of the four distinct seasons in beautiful countryside. The Manchester suburbs brought four unpleasant muddled-up seasons a day. I’ve always wanted to go there since that meeting.