Now is as good of a time as any to round up any wandering ideas from the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong. Since I returned my colleagues and administrators have been asking,
How was it? What did you learn?
I have not been in the Ed-tech game long enough to become completely jaded, but I have been around long enough to understand that sometimes conferences can feel more depressing than inspiring. I try not to become weighed down by my cynicism, but it seems that every conference leaves more underwhelmed than the last. Don’t get me wrong the organizers did a good job of organizing the sessions, keynotes, and getting people together but I cannot think of anything that really blew me away. In the age of Professional Learning Networks what can we learn from conference that we cannot learn from our Twitter and RSS feeds?
What is the purpose of a conference in the age of online learning? I feel I should have an answer if I ever want to get approval from my school to attend another conference. I have to go with the cliché response I heard everyone say throughout the conference:
The best part of this conference is meeting my existing network face to face.
I couldn’t agree more. It was so exciting to eat dinner with people I had only known online. At every conference there are a group of people who do not blog or use Twitter who end up looking on amazed that their peers could be so connected. There is always the confused question, “How do you guys know each other again? Really? You have never met. ”
A network is only as strong as it’s connections and these face-to-face meetings really help create authentic communities. I loved chatting with Robert about the great work he and Gary are doing at their school with WordPress and Scratch. It was a pleasure to share ideas with Dana and Stacey, or to meet Tim for the first time after the many RT’s. Suddenly Ben was more than an avatar, but a living breathing person who helped my session not fall apart. He is headed to Jakarta next month to visit Hugo and I hope we can meet up again, maybe with Rod who I already know in Jakarta. I finally met Colin, but couldn’t pin him down for an actual meal. And of course I started conversations with Neil, John, Jason, Justin, Greg (already started a great chat on his blog), Jamie, Gary, Philip, Lynn, and Makky. So what did I learn from this conference? I learned that there are people across the region who are doing great work and they are ready to connect and learn. I may have crossed paths with these people eventually, but a conference is like a crucible to strengthen relationships quickly. It is because of this human connection that I go to conferences. We meet. We chat. We eat. We connect. As for the sessions…
I am embarrassed that it is 2011 and we are still trying to convince teachers and administrators who run schools to use technology in their classrooms, as if we still have a choice. I cannot even begin to imagine the frustration of the educators who have been involved with the use of technology for longer than me. How do you sit through, or worse present another Keynote explaining that learning is changing and that the internet and our connections to it can be a powerful learning too? I find it embarrassing that we are still stumbling about wondering how or why to use laptops in classrooms, that we still have beginner sessions on blogs, or that we need to be inspired to teach differently.
Do we really need to have the discussion telling teachers that it is the pedagogy and not the tools? Do we really need to tell them not to be afraid and move toward a more student-based approach? Do we really need to warn them that soon they will be irrelevant? I am ready for that threat to simply be a goodbye. Sorry, sir but our school simply will not hire teachers who are not connected and familiar with terms like PLN, blogs, Twitter, and connected learning, perhaps you can find a job at a school where technology is not considered a valuable teaching approach. What’s that? You don’t know what any of that means but you are curious and want to learn. Come on in.
I understand the need to look closely at the various issues surrounding technology and the use of laptops in schools, but there is also something to be said about simply moving forward and taking the training wheels off to see what will happen. I am tired of going to conferences and backtracking to the beginning. I am tired of slowing down the pace of my learning to bring others up to speed. I want to move forward. I want to sit in rooms with teachers who are working at the edge of possibility and connect our learning, our skills, our students, our schools. I want to cloister myself with a group of teachers who are pushing the boundaries and doing amazing work in their classrooms despite their school policies not because of them. Where are the sessions for us? Where are the times that connected teachers can move forward instead of looking back?
Woah! That train of thought went down a few dark tunnels. Let’s turn things around a bit and drive into the light. Yes it is true that many teachers, administrators and schools are terrified to move forward and are mired in fear and paralysis, but there are pockets of teachers worldwide who seem to get it. We often work in isolation at our schools, pushing the envelope, and forcing our schools to look more closely at the use of technology. The ironic part is that we are already connected. Through conversations on our blogs, twitter, connected classrooms, skype and other tools we are constantly learning from each other. We do not really need conferences because we are teaching in an environment that resembles an ongoing global conference.
Some final thoughts to share with your administrators:
- Schools who are truly invested in the use of technology and a successful 1:1 program achieve buy in from students, teachers and parents. They recruit and train teachers who are open to teaching in student driven environments and help them understand not just the skills necessary to teach using technology, but also help them achieve a firm understanding behind the philosophy of this new pedagogy through the use of an effective and well-staffed technology integration team. They make learning fun and exciting for everyone and they do not accept teachers who are not willing to learn. They offer training, support and time for all teachers to learn new ways of teaching.
- Time and training is vital. If you want your staff to do amazing things you have to hire the right people and give them an opportunity to play, experiment and grow. You must give them time to play, experiment and grow. You must give them money to play, experiment and grow. You must give them room to play, experiment and grow.
- If you want your school to move forward you must take off the training wheels and move forward. You cannot wait for everyone to get it. You must set up expectations, hire the right people to get the staff moving forward and hold people accountable.
- If you want your school to move forward you cannot continue to appease the members of your staff who don’t get it. You cannot steer your professional development to the members of staff who are the furthest behind and most resistant to change. If you need to convince your teachers to use technology you have hired the wrong teachers, or it is time to ask those people to move on.
- If you want your school to move forward, you as an administrator must get it. You must be involved in the conversations and foster them in your school. You need to ask your staff questions about how technology is changing their teaching and if they do not have an answer you need to ask why. You must create an environment that fosters passion about learning in your teachers. You can no longer accept “I am too busy”, or “they expect so much of me.” You must demand your teachers question their pedagogy and share their thoughts. You must train your staff to share their learning with each other and the parent community. You must give your staff support and time to learn. You must lead the way and model the behavior.
- If you want your school to move forward you must turn your teachers into learners.