The circuit breaker has been challenging for us all. We have had to be resilient beyond what we thought possible.
I’m reminded of our school motto by Kurt Hahn- Plus Est En Vous- there is more in you than you think.
We have done a remarkable job as a community building systems that have kept us learning, connected and engaged. We have all been working hard for six weeks, and for all we know, we have six more to go. There is a time and place to hunker down and get things done, and I have no doubt you will step up to the challenge when asked. While there are benefits to establishing routines, sometimes these new habits create a blanket of malaise that drapes over us, making it challenging to stay motivated.
During times like these, we need a spark. Inspiration. We need Pink Mohawks (Or metaphorical equivalents. Please DO NOT try this at home) !
And to do my part, I have kept my promise to Grade Six and enacted operation Pink Mohawk. I hope you have already seen the video at the end of this week’s announcements, but I wanted to write a few words to add context and explain its meaning
This hair-do is meant to remind us all that schools are places to challenge and excite us, regardless of whether we are on campus or not. Operation Pink Mohawk is a reminder that adults come in a range of shapes and sizes. The way we look, the way we dress, the hair on our heads can all be indications of who we are or what we believe, and I believe in the levity that comes from not taking myself too seriously. I respect the power of silly authenticity and vulnerability. Adulthood doesn’t have to be a mono-chromatic path to oblivion. We are not all mind-numb zombies, always stressed and chasing bills. We are filled with creativity and passion too. There is not only one way a teacher should look or act; our diversity is what makes us great role models.
Every school needs a Pink Mohawk to remind it not to take itself too seriously. To remind it that life is fun, exciting and maybe a little wild, and that it’s not too scary to stand up and take a risk.
What are a few things we will remember from this time?
Who are the people that brought us joy?
How will you lift our community?
HI Jabiz! It seems like this is easiest digital space to comment on (on quick glance). This is Leslie (@onepercentyellow) and I just wanted to say that I’m doing a performance tomorrow in Camrose that involves the song Poetry is Nothing, Graffiti, and Lachrymose and Weary. It’s poetry month (in Alberta at least) and I was asked to do the musical part of a show. So grateful for the open, encouraging spaces that you helped create and support. Hope all is well! By the way, do you know Michelle’s last name (from lachrymose and weary?)