This is a simple yet strangely disturbing story, that needs your attention and commitment to helping a network member in need. Melissa Griffin is a an energetic, dynamic and vital part of my network. We first met last year in Shanghai through mutual friends and have maintained and fostered our friendship online- through our blogs, but mostly through daily interaction on Twitter.
Like most of us, Melissa uses Twitter to stay connected, as a powerful professional development tool, as well as a tool to have a good laugh We all know and understand the power of Twitter on our lives these days. Now imagine if you woke up and your account had been suspended. For no reason and you had no recourse to get it back online. No one would respond to your questions and suddenly, Twitter is gone- just like that!
I revived this email from Melissa tonight:
Thanks for the #freelissgriffin campaign. I have heard nothing, nada, not a peep, not tweep from the main dudes at twitterland. Not sure who joined in, as I can’t watch. All I can do is click on a tweep’s page and I’m limited to one hour of access a day, from first click. My next step is to go straight to the top. The only way is to tweet. How ironic.
I have chosen ye to help, one last time, because you were in the original #freelissgriffin campaigner and/or are my main tweeps. Some aren’t in this email list, because I don’t have their email – we are tweeps (and sometimes facebookers). I put on my investigative hat (wikipedia and google) and found Jack Dorsey. He cofounded the twitter universe, he left and is back again. Fascinating reading. Being one of the very first tweeps he goes by @jack
Could you would you tweet at him? Can’t think what else to do and I miss tweets and tweeps and twits and RTs and DMs. I’m a addict
@lissgriffin <– [formerly known as]
(not a bad tweep)
I can’t help but think how dissapointed and upset I would be if Twitter just shut off for me, without any recourse to get it back. So let’s band together and get Melissa back on Twitter. Please copy this post to a Tweet and send it to @twitter, @jack and any one else you think could help. Be sure to add the #freelissgriffin hash tag. Pass the word (come on power users with lots of followers, get this into your networks) and let’s see if we can get this bad boy all over Twitter and get Melissa back among us!
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Thanks so much for this post. A glimmer of hope is back. I miss my tweeps. Here is my blog post about it, but Jabiz said it all. It really is horrible out here without my tweeps and twitterverse…
I think it important to point out that it was me @lemonloolit that requested some maths help for my 6 year old son. The links that were sent seem to be the reason that @lissgriffin has been suspended! Does @twitter not like maths.
Free @lissgriffin now!