Author Archives: Jabiz

Operation Pink Mohawk

The circuit breaker has been challenging for us all. We have had to be resilient beyond what we thought possible.

I’m reminded of our school motto by Kurt Hahn- Plus Est En Vous- there is more in you than you think.

We have done a remarkable job as a community building systems that have kept us learning, connected and engaged. We have all been working hard for six weeks, and for all we know, we have six more to go. There is a time and place to hunker down and get things done, and I have no doubt you will step up to the challenge when asked. While there are benefits to establishing routines, sometimes these new habits create a blanket of malaise that drapes over us, making it challenging to stay motivated.

During times like these, we need a spark. Inspiration. We need Pink Mohawks (Or metaphorical equivalents. Please DO NOT try this at home) !

And to do my part, I have kept my promise to Grade Six and enacted operation Pink Mohawk. I hope you have already seen the video at the end of this week’s announcements, but I wanted to write a few words to add context and explain its meaning

This hair-do is meant to remind us all that schools are places to challenge and excite us, regardless of whether we are on campus or not. Operation Pink Mohawk is a reminder that adults come in a range of shapes and sizes. The way we look, the way we dress, the hair on our heads can all be indications of who we are or what we believe, and I believe in the levity that comes from not taking myself too seriously. I respect the power of silly authenticity and vulnerability. Adulthood doesn’t have to be a mono-chromatic path to oblivion. We are not all mind-numb zombies, always stressed and chasing bills. We are filled with creativity and passion too. There is not only one way a teacher should look or act; our diversity is what makes us great role models.

Every school needs a Pink Mohawk to remind it not to take itself too seriously. To remind it that life is fun, exciting and maybe a little wild, and that it’s not too scary to stand up and take a risk.

What are a few things we will remember from this time?
Who are the people that brought us joy?
How will you lift our community?

Women of Influence

Over the weekend I attended the Women Of Influence in Education conference at HKIS in Hong Kong. Before I left, I have to be honest, I was a bit nervous about my role as a male educator at a “women’s” conference. My anxiety was not alleviated when I arrived and saw that I was one of three men at an event with nearly 80 participants. My female colleagues joked that everyone would know my name by the end of the weekend, which this fact did not assuage my stress. I didn’t want to be noticed.

Actually I was hoping to fly under the radar and simply listen and observe. While it definitely felt strange eating meals, riding elevators and being involved at table conversations with all women, I looked forward to reflecting on this discomfort, knowing that many women I know, have been in situations throughout their lives where they are the only woman in a room.

There is value in tackling your privilege head on, by putting yourself in situations where you can build empathy for people who have been marginalised. When people tell you they are not being heard and feel marginalised, the best response should not be- “yes you are being heard,” or “find a better way to be heard and/or speak up.” A better response might be to listen better, amplify their voices if you can and be an ally.

I have so much to say about my weekend, that it feels a bit intimidating deciding where to start. I guess the most basic point I want address is how inspiring it was to be around so many talented, smart and powerful women. It was eye-opening to watch women work without men around. I hope that we all strive for a gender equal world, a place that is inclusive and understanding to women, POC and the differently abled, and while there is value in having conversations together, it is equally important for these groups to meet on their own to work out their ideas and plans. So let me say that it was an honour to be invited and included in these conversations.

Another place to start this reflection is to answer the question I heard most often, “What brought you here?”

There is no easy way to answer that question. At one of the sessions led by the formidable and amazing Maddy Hewitt, the executive director of NESA, we were asked to map our journey of what brought us to gender equity work. Because sharing my journey seems like a good of a way as any to frame my thinking, for the next few paragraphs I will use my story as a way to explain what has brought me to this work in general and this conference specifically. Before I continue, let me say that the irony of turning this conference about myself is not lost on me. My female friends often tell me how often men tend to turn everything about themselves. I hope reading about my path will help you understand what brought me to this conference.

I don’t think any explanation of our values can begin anywhere but our childhood experiences. I am an only male child of Iranian parents who immigrated to the US in 1979. Despite the stereotypical thinking of Iranian men, I was not raised to be the prince of the house. My mother, an independent and strong woman, was deliberate in not “spoiling” me. Her influence from an early age was instrumental in making me who I am. She was a role model for me from an early age, showing me the quiet strength of women and their ability to hold families together, show love, start business and get the things done that need to get done.

My parents separated and eventually divorced throughout my childhood, but my mother always did what she had to do to keep me fed, clothed and loved. She worked several jobs at times, helped with homework, took care of our house and did her best to be present and instill values in me that I cherish to this day. My mother was my first feminist role model, not in anything she explicitly taught me or any proactive agenda, but by simply being herself and raising me as an open minded, and I hope a generous, kind man.

As a child I was a quiet slightly effeminate boy who preferred the company of girls. Many of my early friends were girls who allowed me to be myself without the pressure of constantly proving my masculinity. Middle school and puberty were a shock to my system, as my behaviour and attitudes could be mistaken for homosexuality, which at the time was not something a thirteen year old boy wanted to be, especially when the strong urge to be accepted and popular overtook my life. Middle school was a time of lonely reflection and planning for a different future. On a side note, my feelings of not be included and noticed by my teachers and classmates is a major reason I got into education. I had very few male role models during this pivotal time in my life. My father was an influential force in many ways, but the constant fighting and arguing between my parents was more confusing than helpful in helping me understand gender issues.

High school was a time of transformation and identity building. I found a few friends and our band of misfits did our best to create our own cool. Despite my earlier thoughts, this time demanded a more masculine being. The constant talk of girls and sex and power rankings among other boys forced me to become a typical man. Drinking power shakes with raw eggs, lifting weights and joining the football team, were ways that I tried to build my masculinity. Without too many male role models, my interactions with girls became more sexual and less conversational. Like most adolescent males, I didn’t have too many relationships with girls that were not based on mutual interests and understanding. It was all about how can I appear attractive to the girls with which I interacted. Early exploration with alcohol did not help me learn to be open and honest with the girls I interacted with. In short, I didn’t understand girls. I had no idea how to talk to them without alcohol and trying to get them to like me. I had a girlfriend in High School who was younger than me, who I loved dearly, but my interactions with her were at best dysfunctional and at worse damaging to her.

I wonder as educators how we are teaching boys how to traverse this time in their lives in more honest and vulnerable ways.

Fast forward through university, where this one track male mind dominated much of my thinking and way of being. I was not your typical “misogynistic bro,” but my own insecurities kept me from too many constructive and necessary female relationships. I had girlfriends for whom I cared deeply, but I did not have too many female friends I could turn and talk to. I will speak later about how important I think plutonic female friends are for men’s development and understanding of women’s issues. At this time in my life so many of my relationships with women were clouded by sex and objectifying women.

Fast forward to the mid-nineties. I was twenty five and working in restaurants in San Francisco. I was living on my own, going to school and feeling like an adult. This time working at a particular restaurant in SF was transformational. The majority of the staff were older gay men who taught me that my outdated outlook on gender was holding me back from being myself. At first, their joking and flirting was intimidating, but my time at the restaurant was a pivotal moment in reexamining and understanding of gender.

After this time, I graduated from SFSU and flew to Mozambique for two years to teach English as a Peace Corps volunteer. There is nothing more influential and eye-opening to the power and strength of women than living in a rural village of a developing country. I quickly realised that women run the world, but get very little of the credit or monetary and political power that comes from that work. My time in Mozambique was instrumental in shaping the gender work I do now.

I also met the woman who would become my wife and our life in a small reed hut without running water and electricity was crucial in guiding how I interact with women. I am sure she would tell you that I was not a great man in our early days, and still had many boy-like qualities. I assume she would go on to say that I am still growing very slowly, and even after fifteen years of marriage, I have a long way to go in terms of equal distribution of house work and taking on more of the cognitive demands of operating our family. I would agree with her. I hope she realises how important her role in my life as a strong, independent and amazingly wonderful partner and friend has been in shaping who I am and the work I would like to do. Every time I get a bit too self-righteous and high on my horse, I check myself and ask, what would Mairin say about what I say publicly and what I do at home. Am I being the feminist I claim to be in my interactions with her? The answer is often not enough, I am sure, but I am working on taking on more, being a better listener, husband and partner.

The work of male feminists has to start at home.

Peace Corp led to graduate school and some dabbling with a socialist organisation, reading bell hooks and other influential women writers and thinkers and then we moved overseas and my first daughter was born. Our time overseas has given us two beautiful daughters who I would say have been the biggest influence on me and why I try to be a better ally for girls and women. I know that having girls is the most common catalyst for men who are invested in gender work, and while I have tried to paint a larger map, I would be dishonest if I didn’t admit that raising two girls, and wanting the best for them, has been the biggest factor in working to creating a world where they can be their true selves without the barriers erected by the patriarchy. Years later in Singapore I met and build a relationship with my first female friends. This would be a good time to mention the invaluable power for men to have women friends. A few years ago I was organising a school trip to Daraja in Kenya and a four female teachers helped make the trip happened. We have maintained a tight friendship, meeting periodically for dinner and drinks. Their friendship has been vital to my current understanding of how women are so different from men.

I cannot state strongly enough how important it is for men who want to understand women and their needs to interact with female friends. These women have been like sisters to me, but more importantly I see them as confidants and mentors. Their friendship takes me back to my pre-adolescent days where I could simply be myself. I learn so much every time we interact. Watching women actually listen to each other and compliment each other is so foreign to most men.

That was a long meandering account trying to answer the original questions, “What brought you here?” and I guess the simple answer is I want to walk the walk and put my money where my mouth is. If I truly value gender equity work, then I owe it to my mother, my wife, my daughters, my female friends and co-workers, my students, all the voiceless girls and women in Kenya and Mozambique and all over the world to be involved in the conversations that will help shift the balance of power in our households, our schools, and the world.

There is no doubt that the world as it is- created by a masculine patriarchal structure needs to change. We are headed toward environmental destruction, and the weak-willed insecure, ego-driven systems of the global capitalism led my men must be torn down and rebuilt with the powerful wisdom so many women have been quietly harvesting for generations.

I came to this conference to understand, to listen, to learn, to be involved in the conversations by the women in my sphere of influence who are doing this work. I want to learn from them. Be inspired by them and ultimately help them change the world.

So what did I learn? I guess this section is for any men reading this post:

Get involved. Women want us there. (sometimes) There needs to be more of us involved in these conversations. Not to dominate or take over or offer solutions, but to listen. Listen when they tell us that the world is different for them. We need to acknowledge our differences and privilege. We need to listen without judgement and ask how we can help. We need to look at our own histories and journeys and wonder where our ideas about gender have been hatched and how have they grown, if we want to be honest with ourselves. I would recommend this exercise of looking at your life and identifying influential events and people in your life who shaped your understanding of gender.

As educators, we owe it to the boys and girls in our classrooms to be role models of understanding. We need to teach and show our students that there are a myriad of ways to be a man or a women and non-binary explorers of the gender landscape. Participating in these conversations is a great way to become the kind of role models are students need.

I think we also need to give ourselves permission to know that this work is not easy and we will never get it right. As I mentioned earlier, I am sure my wife would have a lot to say about the countless ways I still fall short in the equity of our partnership. I also still struggle with many hypocritical aspects of my masculinity, but these doubts should not hinder my involvement with this movement.

If you are reading this as a man, I encourage you to start these conversations with the women in your life. If you are a women, I invite you to speak openly and honestly about some of the points I have raised with the men in your lives. And if you are non-binary, I ask for your advice. What am I missing from your perspective? What do CIS men and women need to know about gender equity of which we are currently ignorant?

And finally, when you see a conference like this come join us. It will take men and women to change the power structures of the world.

Thank you to the organisers of this conference and to everyone I met. I look forward to continue this work and seeing many of you next year.


Sometimes middle school teachers are jealous of high school teachers. There I said it.

Interacting with 11th and 12th graders after a day of engaging with 8th graders can be jarring.  High school kids make eye contact. They seem genuinely excited to be talking to you. They are articulate and exude an air of reliability.

We MS teachers talk to our upper school counterparts in awe as they tell us about the efficiency with which HS Global Concern groups get things done. We marvel at the sophistication and depth with which the older students unpack a text or express themselves through art.

We ask ourselves- what must it be like to teach kids who don’t harbor so much disdain? What must it be like to work with kids who have made it to the other side of teenage cynicism? Don’t get me wrong. I know our kids are not all sloth-like-monsters. I am also not naive enough to believe that HS kids are angels.

All I am saying is that being a MS teacher in April of G8 can feel like a thankless job. Are these kids learning anything? Do they respect us? Are the hours we spend with them having any effect at all?

The answer is yes.

I was reminded yesterday that while middle school teachers might not always see the results of our work, we must remember that we are part, some would say the most important part, of the journey a child makes from K-12. The payoff might sometimes be delayed. For years!

Yesterday, a former student that I taught in grade 8 came to my classroom during class to give me a card and a small gift. I remembered her in MS, the same way I see many of our kids: Serious. Stoic. Unexpressive. When I joked. She usually didn’t laugh. She worked hard and was a natural writer, but it was hard to know what impact I was having on her at the time.

While MS teachers wish we could see the fruits of labor while we are teaching, while we wish that we could receive gratitude from the kids that we currently teach, while we wish we could have tangible evidence of the impact we have on the kids in front of us- sometimes we have to wait four years before the students feel the need to share their gratitude.  

But let me tell you this, it is worth it.

Having said that, it does feel nice not to have to wait four years. Can I ask that you speak to your child in the coming weeks to see which of their teachers has had a significant impact on them in MS? Or do some reflection yourself, who have you seen really inspire and motivate your child? It would be great to let them know.

A small note. A short email form you or your child will go a long way. MS teachers appreciate the notes from students they taught years ago, but the notes from the students they teach now are priceless.

The Things We Value

This week I wanted to share a reflection I had as a parent. I hope it can prompt you to think differently about how you frame your conversations at home when it comes to what your kids do at school, what they are learning and how they feel about it all.

My daughter, who is in G7, came home after a day she had spent at Tanglin at a conference on Climate Change. As part of the Service Executive Committee, she was invited to participate in this all day event. On this day, she had also gotten back an assessment for one of her academic classes.

She had not done well on said assessment and tears ensued.

I had had a long day at work and was exhausted, but we spent over an hour talking about the value of taking responsibility, resilience, and what to do when things are difficult, and eventually she calmed down and got back to her homework and studying for another academic class. I was relieved, so I slumped on the couch for some rest and self-congratulatory reflection.

But later, as I was thinking, I realized that once again, I had prioritized academics over everything else, and had focussed on how she had done on a task. I did not ask her about what she learned at the conference. We did not talk about how she is feeling about the stress of her class. We talk about the things we value, so it is important to make that clear to kids.

The next morning, I did just that. And the conversation was so much more rich. She shared her learning about Climate Change and herself as a collaborator at the conference with excitement.

So often we allow academics to dictate the nature of our conversations about learning.  We focus on how our kids can do better, get better grades, be better at x, y, z. But I want to remind us all, that our kids are human beings, not just students.

They need us to see them in a more holistic way. They need us to remind them that we see them beyond how they do on tests. They need to know that we are here to support them and not judge them.

When I asked my daughter, why she hadn’t asked me for help when she was struggling, she said, “I didn’t want you to be disappointed that I couldn’t do it myself.” We send so many subliminal messages to our kids by what we choose to focus on, it’s crucial that we also send them explicit ones as well.

“I will never be disappointed in you for needing help. I am always here to support you, because you are the most important thing in my life and I love you more than I can explain. School is just one part of your life and this class is a smaller part of that. You don’t have to do any of this on your own. I am here for you.”

You Cannot Fail

Earlier this week I received an email from Ms. Lorna Walker, our Head of Drama, asking me to stop by and observe her class, which was being taught by a group called Polyglot- A devising and performance company from Australia, as part of our Artists in Residence programme. The group was on campus all week, working with MS and HS Drama classes and casts of production groups.

It was a busy day, and I had planned to pop-in for a few minutes, make an appearance, maybe get a few photos and get on with my day. But from the moment I entered The Black Box Theater, I was transfixed. The students were doing a warm-up icebreaker activity when I walked in and the energy in the room was palpable. It is always so fascinating to watch different groups of kids interact and this mentor group was really enjoying the freedom to loosen up.

Shortly afterwards, the students were broken up into pairs and given several sheets of butcher paper and told to crunch the paper up, in whatever way they felt comfortable. A few dutiful UWCSEA students grumbled about the sustainability of this task, but they were quickly absorbed in their work.

It was fascinating to watch how each child began lose themselves in this task. How each child slowly began to unravel in their focus and lose connection with whatever was going on outside their immediate experience. Then the instructor asked them to crunch faster, slower, louder, quieter. He told the to start ripping the paper in whatever way felt natural.

Some students began to show anger and rage and tear the paper to bits, others slowly, methodically tore the paper into perfect strips. All the while the instructor was saying this like, “Don’t have ideas, just explore.” “Just notice. Be Curious.” “Allow the experience to be a surprise.” “You cannot fail.”

I cannot lie. I wanted to be involved so badly. Every student in that theatre was lost in engagement. Focused on their paper and their small space in the world. It was a magical thing to witness.

I couldn’t help but think about how important and powerful these moments of engaging with art and drama, and the freedom and creativity they give to our kids, are to their lives.

Next they were told to tape the pieces together in whatever manner they wanted. The diversity of creations was spellbinding. Finally, at the end of this process,  they looked at each others creations and were asked to explain what each creation might be. A few were very literal to which the instructor said, “Let’s go for metaphor. What you said is a fact.” Then the audience shared their thinking about each creation.

I cannot unpack or explain the multiple levels of learning that happened in the short time I observed this lesson, but I can say that my experience has left me thinking all week.

How many times a day do our kids engage with material and ideas that leave them floored? How many times a day do they have their world rocked in a way that leaves a lasting impression? It made me think about my own teaching and my classroom- when do I cause a shift in perception and consciousness for these kids?

It’s heavy stuff I know.

We cannot succumb to the cynicism of school being business as usual. We cannot allow our kids to fall victim to the grind of busyness and stress.

It is our duty to awaken within them the joy and wonder of the world around them, and last Tuesday, in the Blackbox Theater, 23 kids were woke

A big thank you to Lorna Walker and the Drama department for inspiring us all.