The Voice We Hear

Assignment #3 for #ds106 crept up on me, so much so I almost missed it. I will keep the text short and get to the actually product? Assessment? Art? Whatever we are calling it for this course. I think someone was calling it “awesome sauce.”

Part A: Readings

* Share (a.k.a. blog) your initial thoughts about the above readings and their relationship to one another (tag: web20readings ) and prepare to discuss in class (if applicable) and online in post comments of your classmates—so you best have setup aggregation by this point!

I chose to skip the blogging part of this assignment, as I don’t see the need for me to add more noise to the already existing conversations. I am coming into this course thinking that I want to deconstruct what is already out there and give the ideas new clothes. I did the reading, however, and would highly recommend reading the O’Reilly article. It is a manifesto of sorts for what the term Web 2. 0 actually means.

I took notes while I was reading and  chose to skin the text again and see what was at the core. Here is what I found:

the voice we hear in all of our heads
traditional stories trapped in  beginnings, middles, and ends
a head, not the tail, a center, not the edges.

open-ended stories freed by,
collective intelligence,
reflection of conscious thought,
the global brain as powerful effects.

free exchange fundamental to the common good.

branching out,
a tail, not the head,
edges, not a center.
hyperlinked, cross-media, participatory, exploratory, and unpredictable.
gets better the more people use it.

built-in cooperation,
stronger synapses through repetition and intensity,
connecting the edges
The “echo chamber” as amplifier.
bring your own resources to the party
blur the boundaries…

Then what? I wanted to push myself and move beyond another poem. I wanted to give the words some life, so I opened up Garagband found some Creative Commons licensed music from Trent Reznor, watched Alec Couros’ Ted Talk, grabbed some gold, and started to play.

Part B: Playing

After you have read and consider the above essays, distill a few key points and use one of the well over 50+ tools from Alan Levine‘s “50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Digital Story” to try and communicate those ideas in an experimental way using a Web 2.0 tool. Make sure the tool you use lets you embed the project in your blog.

Here you go:

the voice we hear

7 thoughts on “The Voice We Hear

  1. Tim Owens

    Please tell me you submitted this to ds106 radio. Damn dude, this is excellent! And since the music is from the soundtrack of The Social Network:

    “You don’t get to 500 million ds106 fanatics without making a few enemies.”

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention The Voice We Hear | Intrepid Teacher --

  3. Nosie Professor

    Nicely done. I love the snowball effect, prodded along by the structure of the assignments – read, respond, play – and that manifests itself in a poem that becomes a song that ends up on the class radio (you uploaded it to there, right?). Rawk.

  4. Grant

    Caught this a moment ago in #ds106 radio … right on … I love how past submission sounds and ideas are boiling back up in fantastic new forms like this – keep’m coming.


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